SAN MARCOS- Peridot Equestrian LLC is pleased to announce that Dawn White-O’Connor has joined Peridot Equestrian Center in San Marcos, California as a trainer.
Dawn White-O'Connor, originally from a small town in Colorado, has worked for Steffen and Shannon Peters for over a decade. She began as a working student and groom, but has earned her way to great success in the competition arena.
In 2014, White-O’Connor placed 8th at the Festival of Champions in the Small Tour with Carla Hayes’ KWPN gelding Aristo.
At the age of 27, Dawn was given the opportunity to compete on Steffen's 2016 Olympic mount Legolas, owned by Four Winds Farms Akiko Yamazaki. In 2017, she competed Legolas in CDIs in both California and Wellington, Florida with great success. They won second place during the 2017 World Cup of Las Vegas. A few months later they won the Grand Prix and the Special in San Juan Capistrano. They were then selected to represent the The Dutta Corp. U.S. Dressage Team in Grand Prix in Europe that summer.
It was with Legolas that Dawn was first invited onto the USEF Developing Rider list in 2017. Dawn competed Legolas until he was retired in April of 2018.
In 2018, Dawn competed on Four Winds Farms’ 10-year-old Oldenburg gelding, Bailarino (Breitling W—Schila, De Niro). The pair won the 2018 USDF National Developing Grand Prix Championship at Lamplight Equestrian Center in Wayne, Illinois. That same year, they were also selected as the demo Grand Prix pair for the Isabell Werth Clinic in Encinitas, CA. In 2019, White-O’Connor and Bailarino were selected for the USEF Developing Rider list.
Dawn has a large string of up-and-coming horses that she trains and competes on, and she is often at the top of the leaderboard at any CDI or national show.
“We are so lucky to have Dawn join us at Peridot. She is a world-class trainer and competitor, who has big things ahead of her in our sport, and she is also an incredible human. Her approach to her training and riding is the perfect fit for our facility and our programs. We look forward to having her experience and knowledge at Peridot Equestrian every day,” said Jessica Eaves Mathews, Vice President and Farm Manager of Peridot.
To learn more about Dawn, check out her website here: https://www.dawnwhiteoconnor.com/
For information on Dawn’s training or sales program, contact her at dawnzemail@me.com.
About Peridot Equestrian: Peridot Equestrian is a new dressage and breeding farm in San Marcos, California, owned by the Eaves and Eaves Mathews family of New Mexico and Calfornia, and is the home of FEI trainer Verena Sonstenes-Mahin, FEI trainer and USEF/USDF Developing Rider Niki Clarke, FEI trainer and competitor, Dawn White-O’Connor, and FEI Young Rider, Katherine Mathews.
For more information on Peridot Equestrian LLC, visit www.peridotequestrian.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/peridotequestrian
Instagram: www.instagram.com/peridotequestrian
For questions, contact Jessica Mathews at info@peridotequestrian.com or 206-465-5334